Thursday, October 02, 2008



After a fairly successful run at blogging during my travels this year, I think I should keep it going. I got some good feedback from friends and other readers, and it has been enjoyable for me as well to read my own thoughts many of which I have forgotten even after only a few months.

So! I will make a go at reinvigorating this, my original general purpose blog, which I stopped writing a couple of years ago. Why? Not sure. Lost inspiration I suppose. The traveling re-inspired me. New experiences, new settings, new people. Whatever it was, it worked.

What I have been thinking for this run is to continue the general musings I recorded in the past. But this time I'd like to include my own music reviews and other general delights I find around the web or in my email.

One thing I like to do in San Francisco is see shows. DJ's, live bands, whatever. I'll probably still write them in a narrative fashion and not in an authoritative way. I've always wanted to review music, even for just my friends to read. In the past couple of years, I have spent a fair amount of my free time reading about and listening to new music, always looking for that next great artist. And guess what? There are lots and lots of great artists out there, new and old. And there's nothing more fun for me than to go and see them in an intimate setting. I am over the big stadium and festival shows. The sound is usually awful and I don't really like crowds anyway.

The rest of the postings may appear in a boing boing like format. Random stuff just thrown up there for your ammusement.

Once again! Let's see how long I can keep this up.

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