Thursday, July 07, 2005


I have to comment on a band I've seen a couple of times at Bender's in The Mission. It's called Hud, I think. It's really more of a bunch of worn-out looking folks twanging about with music that sounds something like a decades-old scratchy blues record from somewhere out of the Deep South. One of them plays a bucket bass, a hilarious, primitive instrument made of a bucket, a broomstick, and a piece of rope, which looks like something a street musician might try to raise tips with. Another plays a washboard, the drummer bangs on a single snare drum, and the lead singer, a tall good looking guy that could have walked right out of the 50's, plays an old dented metal gee-tar.

The first time I walked into the bar and heard them, I thought they were the juke box. Such an impressive sound from such a motley little bunch.

I recommend checking them out while they're still inclined to play there at Bender's every Wednesday night for free - or to play at all.

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