Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Out of Debt

For the first time in my adult life, I don't owe any money to any behemoth organizations. The last payment on my last credit card was just sent today. Now you could argue that my car lease is a debt. Or that the rent on my flat is a debt. Or the other credit card I use that I pay off every month. But don't. Because they aren't. Because I said so :)

I will enjoy this blissful state for approximately two weeks until I take on the largest debt of my life for this condo thing. That debt is healthy debt though - if there is such a thing - so I'll still feel pretty good about that.

Whee! I feel free... like I'm floating effortlessly over a financial wilderness, laughing at the evil credit card monsters lurking below. Alright fine it's not that great. But it's a milestone.

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