Monday, June 06, 2005


I can't believe it. I found $1,500 yesterday. I guess I should be thrilled - I am kind of. But when the money I find is my own - and that much - my overwhelming sentiment is - How could I have lost track of that much?! What a schmuck. If I never found it, I would never have missed it. It's a check from my old landlord for my security deposit. I must have lost it while I was moving. It's not exactly mine yet either since it hasn't cleared the bank. It's pretty old. We'll see. Ugh.

I also feel scooped because a blog post I had in the works was about pit bulls. I'm trying to develop a case for my local legislators to enact some further controls on aggressive breeds. Not bans, but at least some obstacles. But before I got it written, another kid got his face torn off by a pit bull in the city this weekend (and died), so now it's big news again. Probably a good time to bring it up to politicians. And low and behold, Gavin Newsom, our charismatic mayor, has already announced he plans to propose some new local ordinances on the subject.

I have in the past, found myself in the middle of a pit bull attack between Shannon's dog, Holmes, and a "previously friendly" pit bull. One of the most frightening things I have ever been in the middle of. I am also acquainted with a nice young girl who had her scalp ripped open trying to protect her little dog from being torn to shreds. I've had just about enough of the phrases "It's not the breed, it's the owners" and "Mine's so sweet. He has never hurt anyone." The logical "pit" they fall into is that many or most pit bull attacks are by dogs who have "never hurt anyone". If every pit bull attacked only once in its life, there would be hundreds of attacks per year. That's too many. Remember also, that we only hear in the media about the incidents when someone lands in the hospital, or worse. Rarely when dogs are hurt or killed, or when someone is merely bloodied. It's a common site in a park like Dolores or Alamo Square to first hear an angry dog fight sound and then turn to see a group of dogs, one of which is, more often than not, a pit bull. I have never heard a news story about a Labrador or Collie ripping someone's face off. Why is that? You can blame the tough guy owners, but I think there are abusive owners of all breeds of dog. There is a reason you are not permitted to own Cheetahs and Wolves in San Francisco - even nice friendly ones. Pits are just plain more aggressive and unpredictable than other breeds. Yes, even the one you know and love. Be careful, please.

Update: It has come to my attention that all city and county governments in California appear to be prohibited from passing any breed specific legislation. I guess that precludes hot heads like me from trying to push through laws containing "prejudice" against dogs of a certain breed. It's a wait for the attack to happen first strategy. Shame.

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