Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Craigslist to the rescue once again.

I was heartbroken awhile back when, after having the chance to purchase tickets, I waited too long and missed my chance to get in to see Fountains of Wayne at Cafe DuNord next week. They are one of my favorites - and to see them at such an intimate venue was very exciting... And so it was for plenty of others, I soon found out, when the available tickets went Whoosh! out from under me.

Every time I think about that show going on a few blocks from my house without me there, I feel a little sick.

For that reason, I decided to see if my wallet could help me feel better. After all, if I pay $30 more or so.. that's just a few drinks at the show anyway, right?... and I don't need a cab, etc. etc. Man, I'm so cheap.

So our old friends Ebay and Craigslist were my destination today. And boy... there sure are quite a few others looking for the same tickets. So I bit the bullet and offered one of the few people - let's just say a few bucks more - than face value for, sadly, only one available ticket.

And it worked! I think. Apparently I was just desperate enough to beat the offers of his other suitors. I'm going to meet him after work and get the ticket. I feel both elated to be able to go and totally screwed at the same time. But it's better than sad and sick.

I had a similar bad experience this weekend trying to get Ben Harper tickets for the Warfield next month. I thought going online two hours after they went on sale would be soon enough. Bzzt! Wrong again dumbass. The show sold out within minutes and there were immediately tickets on Ebay. Enough to make one cry in defeat.

As much as we despise the scalpers for beating us to the tickets, being a free-market guy, I tend to see that the high prices paid for these tickets represent their "actual" value. In other words, how much would you pay to see X, Y, or Z? I think the real disappointment is letting them beat you to the tickets you really want. I guess you have to get up pret-ty early in the morning... Actually I'm sure of it.

Wish me luck.

Update: Got it! What a strange, clandestine encounter to meet someone on a train platform to make that exchange, nod heads, say thanks, and then walk away. Whee!

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